
Tad Hardin invited me to work with him and the Carolina Ballet to present "Rite of Spring" at the Fletcher Theater, Raleigh, in March 2013.  The project took on an obsessive life of its own as I worked and reworked my own arrangement of this piece for two pianos (basing it on Stravinsky's own arrangement for 1 piano, 4 hands).  I am interested in collaborating with any pianist who might want to learn the "Piano 2" part and play it with me (in any city, with or without dancers).

I am also working on adding an "optional" 3rd Piano part, which could be used if a third piano (and pianist) is available, creating a fuller, more-complete texture.

Update May 2015: The third piano part is complete.

I presented this arrangement in a special concert on May 14, 2015. Link here:

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