
Montessori School Parent-Teacher contract

Anatoly Larkin: Music Theory classes.

The classes are designed for a medium-sized children group.  The method develops an active musical ear, steeped in the tradition of Western tonal music, with a solid understanding of the underlying musical theory.  The classes require no prior musical knowledge and serve to prepare a musical mind that is ready to take on a study of any instrument (after about a year of such study), or to become simply “musically literate”, if your child chooses not to stay with music.  

Classes are weekly half-hour sessions.

I will charge $30/month per pupil to attend these classes.  For families with siblings, I will charge $30 for the first child, and add $10 for each sibling.

Because I am giving a significant discount for the Montessori students, as compared to what I charge at my home studio, I will not make any special arrangements to accommodate illnesses, absences, and other no shows, except in very special circumstances.

If you intend for your child to attend my classes (currently held on Mondays at 10am), tick the month box on the sign-up sheet, and leave a check made out to “Anatoly Larkin” in my envelope in the main office.  Please, specify your child’s name and the month in the memo line.  If you tick the box on the form, but fail to put the check in the envelope, I will still take your child to the class on the day of class, and will hope that you will remember about the check.

In the event that *I* miss class (due to illness, or a planned absence), I will give everyone a $10 credit towards next month’s class.  (In the event of protracted absence on my part, where no lessons are actually given after the money is collected, I will, of course, refund the $30.)

Also, I will let your child “try” the class.  This means that they are welcome to attend it for free for the first month.  If they choose to stay in it for the following month, I would expect to be paid for the initial month AND the following month at that time.